Country specific requirements - Doctoral education

On this page you can find country-specific requirements for submitting your educational documents as physical documents when applying to doctoral programmes.
What are country specific requirements?

For academic qualifications or degrees awarded in certain countries, there are country-specific requirements on how to send educational documents as physical documents.

If you can submit your official educational documents electronically through one of the accepted methods, you do not have to send any physical educational documents, and the country-specific requirements listed on this page do not apply to you. See more information on how to submit educational documents.

If your educational documents were awarded in a country that is not listed below, please follow the general instructions on how to submit educational documents.

Exception: Educational documents awarded in China must always be submitted following the country-specific instructions for China.


Off­shore cam­puses

If your academic qualification was completed at an offshore campus, please follow the country-specific instructions for the country where the main university is located or accredited.


Stud­ies com­pleted at mul­tiple in­sti­tu­tions, e.g. trans­fer stud­ies, top-up de­grees etc.

If your academic qualification was completed at different institutions, for example you transferred between institutions or your qualification is a top-up degree completed at different institutions, you need to follow all applicable country-specific instructions when submitting the educational documents covering all the studies leading to your academic qualification.

List of countries with a specific requirement

An official transcript of records must be submitted to the Admission Services of the University of Helsinki in a sealed envelope. The envelope can be sent by the applicant or by the awarding institution.

The transcript of records must be certified with an original stamp of the institution and an original signature of the certifying officer. The envelope must be sealed with the awarding institution’s official stamp across the back flap, indicating that the envelope has not been opened. Envelopes sealed with a generic stamp, such as one stating “sealed”, are not accepted.

The University of Helsinki accepts only official transcripts of records; for example, unofficial transcripts of records or copies issued for the student’s personal use are not accepted. Please note that regular photocopies of certified documents are not accepted, even if sent in a sealed envelope.

It is acceptable if the sealed envelope contains other official documents issued by the transcript awarding institution, for example a degree certificate and a diploma supplement. Besides these, no other enclosures can be placed in the envelope with the transcript of records.

Completed degrees

Submit officially certified copies of the official government-granted degree certificate and transcript of records to the Admission Services of the University of Helsinki. To get the correctly certified copies of your educational documents, please take the following steps:

  1. First the original educational documents must be verified with an apostille by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Azerbaijan. Apostilles issued by other ministries or agencies are not accepted.
  2. Then have a notary public take officially certified copies of the apostille-verified original documents. The officially certified copies must include all pages of the original documents with any text/writing/stamps (including backsides with any text/writing/stamps). The copies must carry the notary public’s original stamp on each page and the signature of the certifying officer. Alternatively, the notary public can also use a unifying element, meaning that the pages are attached together in a way that certifies all pages; in this case, only one page must carry the notary public’s original stamp and the signature of the certifying officer.

Incomplete degrees

Submit an officially certified copy of your official transcript of records. The copy of your transcript of records must be either officially certified by the awarding institution, or legalised. Please follow the regular instructions for officially certified copies.

Degree certificates, transcripts of records, mark sheets and result cards must always be awarded by the main university or a college with a degree-awarding status. Educational documents awarded by affiliated colleges are not accepted.

The copy of the degree certificate and transcript of records must be officially certified (attested) by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Bangladesh, specifically the Consular and Welfare Wing. Each page of the transcript of records and the degree certificate must carry the original seal and signature of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Bangladesh.

Further information can be found on the Ministry’s website.

Completed degrees

Submit officially certified copies of the official government-granted degree certificate and transcript of records to the Admission Services of the University of Helsinki. To get the correctly certified copies of your educational documents, please take the following steps:

  1. First the original educational documents must be verified with an apostille by the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Belarus. Apostilles issued by other ministries or agencies are not accepted.
  2. Then have a notary public take officially certified copies of the apostille-verified original documents. The officially certified copies must include all pages of the original documents with any text/writing/stamps (including backsides with any text/writing/stamps). The copies must carry the notary public’s original stamp on each page and the signature of the certifying officer. Alternatively, the notary public can also use a unifying element, meaning that the pages are attached together in a way that certifies all pages; in this case, only one page must carry the notary public’s original stamp and the signature of the certifying officer.

Incomplete degrees

Submit an officially certified copy of your official transcript of records. The copy of your transcript of records must be either officially certified by the awarding institution, or legalised. Please follow the regular instructions for officially certified copies.

An official transcript of records must be submitted to the Admissions Services of the University of Helsinki in a sealed envelope by the awarding institution. Transcripts sent by the applicant are not accepted.

The transcript of records must be certified with an original stamp of the institution and an original signature of the certifying officer. The envelope must be sealed with the awarding institution’s official stamp or seal across the back flap, indicating that the envelope has not been opened. Envelopes sealed with a generic stamp, such as one stating “sealed”, are not accepted.

The University of Helsinki accepts only official transcripts of records; for example, unofficial transcripts of records or copies issued for the student’s personal use are not accepted. Please note that regular photocopies of certified documents are not accepted, even if sent in a sealed envelope.

It is acceptable if the sealed envelope contains other official documents issued by the transcript awarding institution, for example a degree certificate and a diploma supplement. Besides these, no other enclosures can be placed in the envelope with the transcript of records.

Transcript of records

If your institution does not use electronic transcript services, your official transcript of records must be submitted to the Admission Services of the University of Helsinki in a sealed envelope by the awarding institution. Transcripts sent by the applicant are not accepted.

The transcript of records must be certified with an original stamp of the institution and an original signature of the certifying officer. The envelope must be sealed with the awarding institution’s official stamp or seal across the back flap, indicating that the envelope has not been opened. Envelopes sealed with a generic stamp, such as one stating “sealed”, are not accepted. 

The University of Helsinki accepts only official transcripts of records; for example, unofficial transcripts of records or copies issued for the student’s personal use are not accepted. Please note that regular photocopies of certified documents are not accepted, even if sent in a sealed envelope.  

It is acceptable if the sealed envelope contains other official documents issued by the transcript awarding institution, for example a degree certificate and a diploma supplement. Besides these, no other enclosures can be placed in the envelope with the transcript of records.

Degree certificate

You are not required to submit a separate copy of your degree certificate if your transcript of records confers the degree and includes the following information:

  • name of the institution awarding the degree
  • title/name of the degree
  • name of the student
  • date of award of the degree

These instructions apply to mainland China. Educational documents awarded in Hong Kong and Macau are submitted following the general instructions.

Completed degrees:

Submit the following CSSD verification reports in English:

  • (Online) Verification Report of Higher Education Degree Certificate 
  • (Online) Verification Report of Higher Education Qualification Certificate
  • Verification Report of China Higher Education Student's Academic Transcript

Incomplete degrees:

Submit the following CSSD verification report in English:

  • Verification Report of China Higher Education Student's Academic Transcript

How to submit the verification reports:

Option 1: Share the verification reports directly from CSSD's online service by selecting University of Helsinki as the recipient. Use as the contact email address if required.

Option 2: Upload copies of your verification reports to the University of Helsinki application system. The Admission Services will verify the authenticity of the report from CSSD.

Please note, you do not need to send any other copies of your original educational documents besides the verification reports.

An official transcript of records must be submitted to the Admissions Services of the University of Helsinki in a sealed envelope by the awarding institution. Transcripts sent by the applicant are not accepted.

The transcript of records must be certified with an original stamp of the institution and an original signature of the certifying officer. The envelope must be sealed with the awarding institution’s official stamp or seal across the back flap, indicating that the envelope has not been opened. Envelopes sealed with a generic stamp, such as one stating “sealed”, are not accepted.

The University of Helsinki accepts only official transcripts of records; for example, unofficial transcripts of records or copies issued for the student’s personal use are not accepted. Please note that regular photocopies of certified documents are not accepted, even if sent in a sealed envelope.

It is acceptable if the sealed envelope contains other official documents issued by the transcript awarding institution, for example a degree certificate and a diploma supplement. Besides these, no other enclosures can be placed in the envelope with the transcript of records.

An official transcript of records must be submitted to the Admissions Services of the University of Helsinki in a sealed envelope by the awarding institution. Transcripts sent by the applicant are not accepted.

The transcript of records must be certified with an original stamp of the institution and an original signature of the certifying officer. The envelope must be sealed with the awarding institution’s official stamp or seal across the back flap, indicating that the envelope has not been opened. Envelopes sealed with a generic stamp, such as one stating “sealed”, are not accepted.

The University of Helsinki accepts only official transcripts of records; for example, unofficial transcripts of records or copies issued for the student’s personal use are not accepted. Please note that regular photocopies of certified documents are not accepted, even if sent in a sealed envelope.

It is acceptable if the sealed envelope contains other official documents issued by the transcript awarding institution, for example a degree certificate and a diploma supplement. Besides these, no other enclosures can be placed in the envelope with the transcript of records.

If your degree was completed after 1 January 1995 and you have a Finnish personal identification code you do not need to submit officially certified copies of your educational documents by mail.

Upload a copy of your transcript of records and degree certificate in the application system. The University of Helsinki verifies your educational information automatically in the national database.

If you do not have a Finnish personal identification code, or your degree was completed before 1 January 1995, please follow the general instructions on how to submit documents.

An official transcript of records must be submitted to the Admissions Services of the University of Helsinki in a sealed envelope by the awarding institution. Transcripts sent by the applicant are not accepted.

The transcript of records must be certified with an original stamp of the institution and an original signature of the certifying officer. The envelope must be sealed with the awarding institution’s official stamp or seal across the back flap, indicating that the envelope has not been opened. Envelopes sealed with a generic stamp, such as one stating “sealed”, are not accepted.

The University of Helsinki accepts only official transcripts of records; for example, unofficial transcripts of records or copies issued for the student’s personal use are not accepted. Please note that regular photocopies of certified documents are not accepted, even if sent in a sealed envelope.

It is acceptable if the sealed envelope contains other official documents issued by the transcript awarding institution, for example a degree certificate and a diploma supplement. Besides these, no other enclosures can be placed in the envelope with the transcript of records.

Degree certificate

Degree certificates must be awarded by the main university. Certificates or copies issued by colleges are not accepted.

An officially certified copy of the degree certificate must be submitted to the Admission Services of the University of Helsinki. The officially certified copy can be sent by the awarding institution or by the applicant.

Transcript of records

Transcripts of records must be awarded by the main university or an autonomous college.

The official transcript of records must be submitted to the Admission Services of the University of Helsinki in a sealed envelope. The envelope can be sent by the awarding institution or by the applicant.

The official transcript of records must be certified with an original stamp and signature of a representative of the Academic Registrar's Office, the Examinations Office, or the equivalent office that issues official transcripts of records at the university. The envelope must be sealed with the attesting office’s stamp across the back flap, indicating that the envelope has not been opened.

The University of Helsinki accepts only official transcripts of records; for example, unofficial transcripts of records or copies issued for the student’s personal use are not accepted. Please note that regular photocopies of certified documents are not accepted, even if sent in a sealed envelope.

It is acceptable if the sealed envelope contains other official documents issued by the transcript awarding institution, for example a degree certificate and a diploma supplement. Besides these, no other enclosures can be placed in the envelope with the transcript of records.

An official transcript of records must be submitted to the Admission Services of the University of Helsinki in a sealed envelope. The envelope can be sent by the applicant or by the awarding institution.

The transcript of records must be certified with an original stamp of the institution and an original signature of the certifying officer. The envelope must be sealed with the awarding institution’s official stamp across the back flap, indicating that the envelope has not been opened. Envelopes sealed with a generic stamp, such as one stating “sealed”, are not accepted.

The University of Helsinki accepts only official transcripts of records; for example, unofficial transcripts of records or copies issued for the student’s personal use are not accepted. Please note that regular photocopies of certified documents are not accepted, even if sent in a sealed envelope.

It is acceptable if the sealed envelope contains other official documents issued by the transcript awarding institution, for example a degree certificate and a diploma supplement. Besides these, no other enclosures can be placed in the envelope with the transcript of records.

Copies of your educational documents must be legalized by the Iranian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Finnish Embassy in Tehran. Official translations of the educational documents must be certified by the Ministry of Justice. Regular photocopies of certified copies will not be accepted. All the copies must have the original stamp given by the Iranian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Finnish Embassy in Tehran.

If your institution does not use electronic transcript services, your official transcript of records must be submitted to the Admission Services of the University of Helsinki in a sealed envelope by the awarding institution. The envelope can be sent by the applicant or by the awarding institution.

The transcript of records must be certified with an original stamp of the institution and an original signature of the certifying officer. The envelope must be sealed with the awarding institution’s official stamp or seal across the back flap, indicating that the envelope has not been opened. Envelopes sealed with a generic stamp, such as one stating “sealed”, are not accepted. 

The University of Helsinki accepts only official transcripts of records; for example, unofficial transcripts of records or copies issued for the student’s personal use are not accepted. Please note that regular photocopies of certified documents are not accepted, even if sent in a sealed envelope.  

It is acceptable if the sealed envelope contains other official documents issued by the transcript awarding institution, for example a degree certificate and a diploma supplement. Besides these, no other enclosures can be placed in the envelope with the transcript of records.

An official transcript of records must be submitted to the Admission Services of the University of Helsinki in a sealed envelope. The envelope can be sent by the applicant or by the awarding institution.

The transcript of records must be certified with an original stamp of the institution and an original signature of the certifying officer. The envelope must be sealed with the awarding institution’s official stamp across the back flap, indicating that the envelope has not been opened. Envelopes sealed with a generic stamp, such as one stating “sealed”, are not accepted.

The University of Helsinki accepts only official transcripts of records; for example, unofficial transcripts of records or copies issued for the student’s personal use are not accepted. Please note that regular photocopies of certified documents are not accepted, even if sent in a sealed envelope.

It is acceptable if the sealed envelope contains other official documents issued by the transcript awarding institution, for example a degree certificate and a diploma supplement. Besides these, no other enclosures can be placed in the envelope with the transcript of records.

Completed degrees

Submit officially certified copies of the official government-granted degree certificate and transcript of records to the Admission Services of the University of Helsinki. To get the correctly certified copies of your educational documents, please take the following steps:

  1. First the original educational documents must be verified with an apostille by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Apostilles issued by other ministries or agencies are not accepted.
  2. Then have a notary public take officially certified copies of the apostille-verified original documents. The officially certified copies must include all pages of the original documents with any text/writing/stamps (including backsides with any text/writing/stamps). The copies must carry the notary public’s original stamp on each page and the signature of the certifying officer. Alternatively, the notary public can also use a unifying element, meaning that the pages are attached together in a way that certifies all pages; in this case, only one page must carry the notary public’s original stamp and the signature of the certifying officer.

Incomplete degrees

Submit an officially certified copy of your official transcript of records. The copy of your transcript of records must be either officially certified by the awarding institution, or legalised. Please follow the regular instructions for officially certified copies.

An official transcript of records must be submitted to the Admissions Services of the University of Helsinki in a sealed envelope by the awarding institution. Transcripts sent by the applicant are not accepted.

The transcript of records must be certified with an original stamp of the institution and an original signature of the certifying officer. The envelope must be sealed with the awarding institution’s official stamp or seal across the back flap, indicating that the envelope has not been opened. Envelopes sealed with a generic stamp, such as one stating “sealed”, are not accepted. 

The University of Helsinki accepts only official transcripts of records; for example, unofficial transcripts of records or copies issued for the student’s personal use are not accepted. Please note that regular photocopies of certified documents are not accepted, even if sent in a sealed envelope.  

It is acceptable if the sealed envelope contains other official documents issued by the transcript awarding institution, for example a degree certificate and a diploma supplement. Besides these, no other enclosures can be placed in the envelope with the transcript of records.

An official transcript of records must be submitted to the Admission Services of the University of Helsinki in a sealed envelope. The envelope can be sent by the applicant or by the awarding institution.

The transcript of records must be certified with an original stamp of the institution and an original signature of the certifying officer. The envelope must be sealed with the awarding institution’s official stamp across the back flap, indicating that the envelope has not been opened. Envelopes sealed with a generic stamp, such as one stating “sealed”, are not accepted.

The University of Helsinki accepts only official transcripts of records; for example, unofficial transcripts of records or copies issued for the student’s personal use are not accepted. Please note that regular photocopies of certified documents are not accepted, even if sent in a sealed envelope.

It is acceptable if the sealed envelope contains other official documents issued by the transcript awarding institution, for example a degree certificate and a diploma supplement. Besides these, no other enclosures can be placed in the envelope with the transcript of records.

Degree certificate:

Degree certificates must be awarded by the main university. Certificates or copies issued by affiliated colleges are not accepted.

An officially certified copy of the degree certificate must be submitted to the Admission Services of the University of Helsinki. The officially certified copy can be sent by the awarding institution or by the applicant.

Transcript of records:

Transcripts of records must be awarded by the main university. Documents issued by affiliated colleges are not accepted.

The official transcript of records must be submitted to the Admission Services of the University of Helsinki in a sealed envelope. The envelope can be sent by the awarding institution or by the applicant.

The official transcript must be certified with an original stamp and signature of a representative of the Academic Registrar's Office, the Examinations Office, or the equivalent office that issues official transcripts of records at the university. The envelope must be sealed with the attesting office’s stamp across the back flap to indicate that the envelope has not been opened.

The University of Helsinki accepts only official transcripts of records; for example, unofficial transcripts of records or copies issued for the student’s personal use are not accepted. Please note that regular photocopies of certified documents are not accepted, even if sent in a sealed envelope.

It is acceptable if the sealed envelope contains other official documents issued by the transcript awarding institution, for example a degree certificate and a diploma supplement. Besides these, no other enclosures can be placed in the envelope with the transcript of records.

An official transcript of records must be submitted to the Admission Services of the University of Helsinki in a sealed envelope. The envelope can be sent by the applicant or by the awarding institution.

The transcript of records must be certified with an original stamp of the institution and an original signature of the certifying officer. The envelope must be sealed with the awarding institution’s official stamp across the back flap, indicating that the envelope has not been opened. Envelopes sealed with a generic stamp, such as one stating “sealed”, are not accepted.

The University of Helsinki accepts only official transcripts of records; for example, unofficial transcripts of records or copies issued for the student’s personal use are not accepted. Please note that regular photocopies of certified documents are not accepted, even if sent in a sealed envelope.

It is acceptable if the sealed envelope contains other official documents issued by the transcript awarding institution, for example a degree certificate and a diploma supplement. Besides these, no other enclosures can be placed in the envelope with the transcript of records.

An official transcript of records must be submitted to the Admissions Services of the University of Helsinki in a sealed envelope by the awarding institution. Transcripts sent by the applicant are not accepted.

The transcript of records must be certified with an original stamp of the institution and an original signature of the certifying officer. The envelope must be sealed with the awarding institution’s official stamp or seal across the back flap, indicating that the envelope has not been opened. Envelopes sealed with a generic stamp, such as one stating “sealed”, are not accepted. 

The University of Helsinki accepts only official transcripts of records; for example, unofficial transcripts of records or copies issued for the student’s personal use are not accepted. Please note that regular photocopies of certified documents are not accepted, even if sent in a sealed envelope.  

It is acceptable if the sealed envelope contains other official documents issued by the transcript awarding institution, for example a degree certificate and a diploma supplement. Besides these, no other enclosures can be placed in the envelope with the transcript of records.

Degree certificates and transcripts of records must always be awarded by the main university or a college with degree-awarding status. Educational documents awarded by affiliated colleges are not accepted.

The degree certificate and transcript of records must be certified (attested) by the Higher Education Commission (HEC). Each page of the transcript of records and the degree certificate must be stamped and signed by the HEC. All copies must carry an original stamp by the HEC.

Further information can be found on the HEC website.

If you have completed your degree in Russia but are currently residing outside of Russia and are unable to have your original documents verified with an apostille as instructed below, please contact the Admission services for possible alternative ways to prove your educational background.


Completed degrees

Submit officially certified copies of the official government-granted degree certificate and transcript of records (приложение к диплому) to the Admission Services of the University of Helsinki. To get the correctly certified copies of your educational documents, please take the following steps:

  1. First the original educational documents must be verified with an apostille by the authorised body of the Russian Federation in your region.
  2. Then have a notary public take officially certified copies of the apostille-verified original documents. The officially certified copies must include all pages of the original documents with any text/writing/stamps (including backsides with any text/writing/stamps). The copies must carry the notary public’s original stamp on each page and the signature of the certifying officer. Alternatively, the notary public can also use a unifying element, meaning that the pages are attached together in a way that certifies all pages; in this case, only one page must carry the notary public’s original stamp and the signature of the certifying officer.

Incomplete degrees

Submit an officially certified copy of your official transcript of records. The copy of your transcript of records must be either officially certified by the awarding institution, or legalised. Please follow the regular instructions for officially certified copies.

An official transcript of records must be submitted to the Admissions Services of the University of Helsinki in a sealed envelope by the awarding institution. Transcripts sent by the applicant are not accepted.

The transcript of records must be certified with an original stamp of the institution and an original signature of the certifying officer. The envelope must be sealed with the awarding institution’s official stamp or seal across the back flap, indicating that the envelope has not been opened. Envelopes sealed with a generic stamp, such as one stating “sealed”, are not accepted. 

The University of Helsinki accepts only official transcripts of records; for example, unofficial transcripts of records or copies issued for the student’s personal use are not accepted. Please note that regular photocopies of certified documents are not accepted, even if sent in a sealed envelope.  

It is acceptable if the sealed envelope contains other official documents issued by the transcript awarding institution, for example a degree certificate and a diploma supplement. Besides these, no other enclosures can be placed in the envelope with the transcript of records.

An official transcript of records must be submitted to the Admission Services of the University of Helsinki in a sealed envelope. The envelope can be sent by the applicant or by the awarding institution.

The transcript of records must be certified with an original stamp of the institution and an original signature of the certifying officer. The envelope must be sealed with the awarding institution’s official stamp across the back flap, indicating that the envelope has not been opened. Envelopes sealed with a generic stamp, such as one stating “sealed”, are not accepted.

The University of Helsinki accepts only official transcripts of records; for example, unofficial transcripts of records or copies issued for the student’s personal use are not accepted. Please note that regular photocopies of certified documents are not accepted, even if sent in a sealed envelope.

It is acceptable if the sealed envelope contains other official documents issued by the transcript awarding institution, for example a degree certificate and a diploma supplement. Besides these, no other enclosures can be placed in the envelope with the transcript of records.

An official transcript of records must be submitted to the Admissions Services of the University of Helsinki in a sealed envelope by the awarding institution. Transcripts sent by the applicant are not accepted.

The transcript of records must be certified with an original stamp of the institution and an original signature of the certifying officer. The envelope must be sealed with the awarding institution’s official stamp or seal across the back flap, indicating that the envelope has not been opened. Envelopes sealed with a generic stamp, such as one stating “sealed”, are not accepted.

The University of Helsinki accepts only official transcripts of records; for example, unofficial transcripts of records or copies issued for the student’s personal use are not accepted. Please note that regular photocopies of certified documents are not accepted, even if sent in a sealed envelope.

It is acceptable if the sealed envelope contains other official documents issued by the transcript awarding institution, for example a degree certificate and a diploma supplement. Besides these, no other enclosures can be placed in the envelope with the transcript of records.

An official transcript of records must be submitted to the Admissions Services of the University of Helsinki in a sealed envelope by the awarding institution. Transcripts sent by the applicant are not accepted.

The transcript of records must be certified with an original stamp of the institution and an original signature of the certifying officer. The envelope must be sealed with the awarding institution’s official stamp or seal across the back flap, indicating that the envelope has not been opened. Envelopes sealed with a generic stamp, such as one stating “sealed”, are not accepted. 

The University of Helsinki accepts only official transcripts of records; for example, unofficial transcripts of records or copies issued for the student’s personal use are not accepted. Please note that regular photocopies of certified documents are not accepted, even if sent in a sealed envelope.  

It is acceptable if the sealed envelope contains other official documents issued by the transcript awarding institution, for example a degree certificate and a diploma supplement. Besides these, no other enclosures can be placed in the envelope with the transcript of records.

An official transcript of records must be submitted to the Admission Services of the University of Helsinki in a sealed envelope. The envelope can be sent by the applicant or by the awarding institution.

The transcript of records must be certified with an original stamp of the institution and an original signature of the certifying officer. The envelope must be sealed with the awarding institution’s official stamp across the back flap, indicating that the envelope has not been opened. Envelopes sealed with a generic stamp, such as one stating “sealed”, are not accepted.

The University of Helsinki accepts only official transcripts of records; for example, unofficial transcripts of records or copies issued for the student’s personal use are not accepted. Please note that regular photocopies of certified documents are not accepted, even if sent in a sealed envelope.

It is acceptable if the sealed envelope contains other official documents issued by the transcript awarding institution, for example a degree certificate and a diploma supplement. Besides these, no other enclosures can be placed in the envelope with the transcript of records.

An official transcript of records must be submitted to the Admissions Services of the University of Helsinki in a sealed envelope by the awarding institution. Transcripts sent by the applicant are not accepted.

The transcript of records must be certified with an original stamp of the institution and an original signature of the certifying officer. The envelope must be sealed with the awarding institution’s official stamp or seal across the back flap, indicating that the envelope has not been opened. Envelopes sealed with a generic stamp, such as one stating “sealed”, are not accepted. 

The University of Helsinki accepts only official transcripts of records; for example, unofficial transcripts of records or copies issued for the student’s personal use are not accepted. Please note that regular photocopies of certified documents are not accepted, even if sent in a sealed envelope.  

It is acceptable if the sealed envelope contains other official documents issued by the transcript awarding institution, for example a degree certificate and a diploma supplement. Besides these, no other enclosures can be placed in the envelope with the transcript of records.

An official transcript of records must be submitted to the Admissions Services of the University of Helsinki in a sealed envelope by the awarding institution. Transcripts sent by the applicant are not accepted.

The transcript of records must be certified with an original stamp of the institution and an original signature of the certifying officer. The envelope must be sealed with the awarding institution’s official stamp or seal across the back flap, indicating that the envelope has not been opened. Envelopes sealed with a generic stamp, such as one stating “sealed”, are not accepted. 

The University of Helsinki accepts only official transcripts of records; for example, unofficial transcripts of records or copies issued for the student’s personal use are not accepted. Please note that regular photocopies of certified documents are not accepted, even if sent in a sealed envelope.  

It is acceptable if the sealed envelope contains other official documents issued by the transcript awarding institution, for example a degree certificate and a diploma supplement. Besides these, no other enclosures can be placed in the envelope with the transcript of records.

Completed degrees

Submit a copy of the official degree certificate and transcript of records to the Admission Services of the University of Helsinki. To get the correctly certified copies of your educational documents, please take the following steps:

  1. First the original educational documents must be verified with an apostille by the Information and Image Centre (Інформаційно-іміджевий центр) of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine (Міністерство освіти і науки України). Apostilles issued by other ministries or agencies are not accepted.
  2. Then have a notary public take officially certified copies of of the apostille-verified original documents. The officially certified copies must include all pages of the original documents with any text/writing/stamps (including backsides with any text/writing/stamps). The copies must carry the notary public’s original stamp on each page and the signature of the certifying officer. Alternatively, the notary public can also use a unifying element, meaning that the pages are attached together in a way that certifies all pages; in this case, only one page must carry the notary public’s original stamp and the signature of the certifying officer.

Incomplete degrees

Submit an officially certified copy of your official transcript of records. The copy of your transcript of records must be either officially certified by the awarding institution, or legalised. Please follow the regular instructions for officially certified copies.

Update March 2022:

Applicants with a degree that has been completed or is in progress in Ukraine do not need to verify their educational documents with an apostille.

During the application phase, please upload a clear scan of your degree certificate, transcript of records, and their translations into English, Finnish or Swedish to the application system.

If you are admitted, you will be required to show your original degree certificate, transcript of records, and their translations in person to the Admission services as instructed in your admission letter.

If you are unable to follow these instructions, please contact us at as soon as possible.

If your institution does not use electronic transcript services, your official transcript of records or HEAR report must be submitted to the Admission Services of the University of Helsinki in a sealed envelope. The envelope can be sent by the applicant or by the awarding institution.

The transcript of records or HEAR report must be certified with an original stamp of the institution and an original signature of the certifying officer. The envelope must be sealed with the awarding institution’s official stamp across the back flap, indicating that the envelope has not been opened. Envelopes sealed with a generic stamp, such as one stating “sealed”, are not accepted.

The University of Helsinki accepts only official transcripts of records or HEAR reports; for example, unofficial transcripts of records or copies issued for the student’s personal use are not accepted. Please note that regular photocopies of certified documents are not accepted, even if sent in a sealed envelope.

It is acceptable if the sealed envelope contains other official documents issued by the transcript awarding institution, for example a degree certificate and a diploma supplement. Besides these, no other enclosures can be placed in the envelope with the transcript of records or HEAR report.

Transcript of records

If your institution does not use electronic transcript services, your official transcript of records must be submitted to the Admission Services of the University of Helsinki in a sealed envelope by the awarding institution. Transcripts sent by the applicant are not accepted.

The transcript of records must be certified with an original stamp of the institution and an original signature of the certifying officer. The envelope must be sealed with the awarding institution’s official stamp or seal across the back flap, indicating that the envelope has not been opened. Envelopes sealed with a generic stamp, such as one stating “sealed”, are not accepted. 

The University of Helsinki accepts only official transcripts of records; for example, unofficial transcripts of records or copies issued for the student’s personal use are not accepted. Please note that regular photocopies of certified documents are not accepted, even if sent in a sealed envelope.  

It is acceptable if the sealed envelope contains other official documents issued by the transcript awarding institution, for example a degree certificate and a diploma supplement. Besides these, no other enclosures can be placed in the envelope with the transcript of records.

Degree certificate

You are not required to submit a separate copy of your degree certificate if your transcript of records confers the degree and includes the following information:

  • name of the institution awarding the degree
  • title/name of the degree
  • name of the student
  • date of award of the degree

An official transcript of records must be submitted to the Admission Services of the University of Helsinki in a sealed envelope. The envelope can be sent by the applicant or by the awarding institution.

The transcript of records must be certified with an original stamp of the institution and an original signature of the certifying officer. The envelope must be sealed with the awarding institution’s official stamp across the back flap, indicating that the envelope has not been opened. Envelopes sealed with a generic stamp, such as one stating “sealed”, are not accepted.

The University of Helsinki accepts only official transcripts of records; for example, unofficial transcripts of records or copies issued for the student’s personal use are not accepted. Please note that regular photocopies of certified documents are not accepted, even if sent in a sealed envelope.

It is acceptable if the sealed envelope contains other official documents issued by the transcript awarding institution, for example a degree certificate and a diploma supplement. Besides these, no other enclosures can be placed in the envelope with the transcript of records.