Register for the academic year following the instructions on this page if you have been granted in the student admission for 2024 the right to complete a first-cycle or second-cycle university degree or both. This is the only way to record your new study right information in the Student Register. In subsequent years, register for the academic year according to the instructions on the Instructions for Students.
You may register as an attending or non-attending student for your first academic year, once you have accepted a student place.
If you already have a study right at the University of Helsinki, but you have been granted a new right to complete a degree at the University of Helsinki this spring, first complete the registration to your new study right for the academic year following the instructions on this page. Afterwards, wait a few days before registering to your other existing study rights in Oili, so that you will not have to pay the Student Union membership fee several times.
Degree students need to register as attending or non-attending for each study right.
If you have already registered for attendance or non-attendance, please contact Admissions Services at the University of Helsinki.
You must pay the university student’s health service fee to Kela if you register as an attending student for the whole academic year or only for the autumn or spring term. Please note that starting from the autumn term 2023, the healthcare fee is no longer included in the tuition fee or scholarships covering the tuition fee. Students need to pay the healthcare fee themselves to Kela (link to Kela website).
Students who have social security coverage in another EU/EEA country or in Switzerland or the United Kingdom do not have to pay the student healthcare fee. In order to access the student healthcare services, you must send a photo or a scan of your European Health Insurance Card or Global Health Insurance Card (UK) to Kela. If you have not yet received your permanent EHIC/GHIC card, send a photo or a scan of your Provisional Replacement Certificate. When using the student healthcare services, present the same documents at a YTHS service point. You can also send the documents afterwards if you do not happen to have them on you at the time of your visit. In order to apply EHIC/GHIC card, please contact the responsible officials in the country where you are covered by the local social security.
Read more about the payment of the student health service fee on the Kela website.
Register for the academic year as early as possible, since information related to your new study right will only be recorded in the University of Helsinki Student Register after you have done so.
For example, you can only activate your user ID in the University’s information systems and receive a student card after your information has been recorded in the Student Register.
It typically takes from a few days to a week for your information to be recorded. If you were admitted to the University of Helsinki through the transfer application procedure, storing your information may take longer since we will contact your prior higher education institution.
If you register as an attending student for the autumn term or the full academic year, you will be notified by email when your information has been recorded. The email message will be sent to the email address you provided in your application form.
Please contact us at if you registered as an attending student for the autumn term or the full academic year more than two weeks ago but you still have not received a notification about your information having been recorded.
You must pay the University of Helsinki Student Union membership fee (€57.00/academic year) in conjunction with the registration for the academic year. In addition to the membership fee, you may pay the following optional fees: student association (student nation) membership fee (€12.00) and the support payment for development cooperation projects (€5.80).
The University of Helsinki Student Union protects your interests in the academic and wider communities, supports the activities of various organisations, arranges events, and offers discounts and services. Read more about student benefits and discounts on the Student Union website. You will be able to start using your student benefits once your study right comes into force on 1 August 2024.
You can read more about the student nations and development cooperation projects on the Student Union website.
We recommend that you register as an attending student using the My Studyinfo service on the website.
You can register as an attending student in the My Studyinfo service if you have a Finnish personal identity code and Finnish online banking credentials, a Finnish Mobile ID or a Finnish electronic identity card. Once you have logged in to the service, first click on “My applications” and then click “Register for attendance”.
If you cannot use the My Studyinfo service, follow these instructions:
Recipient: University of Helsinki Student Union
Account number, when paying through a Finnish bank:
Account number when paying through an international bank:
The compulsory Student Union membership fee for 2024–2025 is €57.00.
In addition to the membership fee, you can pay optional fees:
When paying, use the reference number 28 04990.
If you pay the optional student association (student nation) membership fee, indicate in the message field to which student nation you are making the payment.
Follow these instructions if
For your first academic year, you automatically register as an attending student by paying your tuition fee.
The tuition fee includes Helsinki University Student Union's (HYY) membership fee, and therefore you do not have to provide a membership receipt.
If you are liable to pay a tuition fee and you do not pay it, you will lose the right to study due to the failure to register. To be readmitted, you must pay the tuition fee and the re-enrolment fee.
Information on the tuition fee, payment procedure and due date is included in the material which is sent to all admitted applicants.
If you were accepted conditionally, you will be registered as an attending or non-attending student only after you have fulfilled the conditions required for acceptance.
How to pay the tuition fee:
If you have been awarded a scholarship covering your tuition fee from the University of Helsinki Scholarship Programme, you will be registered for your first academic year after you have accepted the study place.
By accepting the offered study place and scholarship covering your tuition fee, you will be automatically registered as an attending student for the academic year 2024–25.
If you were accepted conditionally, you will be registered as an attending or non-attending student only after you have fulfilled the conditions required for acceptance.
The scholarship covering your tuition fee includes Helsinki University Student Union's (HYY) membership fee, and therefore you do not have to provide a membership receipt.
You must register as an attending or non-attending student every academic year. The registration period is from the beginning of May to the end of August each year. For more information, please see the instructions for students.
You can register for non-attendance for the 2024–2025 academic year only if your non-attendance is based on a statutory reason. If the statutory reason for absence falls only on one of the terms (e.g., your military service or maternal leave starts in January), you may register as non-attending for the entire academic year, if you so wish.
You can change your status from non-attendance to attendance at any time during the academic year.
Pursuant to the Universities Act, a first-year student may register as a non-attending student for the academic year only for the reasons listed below and must present one of the documents described below to demonstrate that the non-attendance is based on a statutory reason:
Documents providing evidence on the reason for non-attendance must be submitted in Finnish, Swedish or English.
If you cannot or do not want to send the certificate entitling you to non-attendance electronically, you can send it by post to the below address (enclose the following completed form with the documents):
University of Helsinki Admissions Services, PO Box 24, 00014 University of Helsinki
Important: If you do not provide the requested documentation on the statutory grounds for non-attendance, you are considered to have neglected your annual registration. Learn more about the consequences of failing to register for the academic year.
Later, when you’re starting your studies after the period of non-attendance, please submit the documentation on the statutory grounds for non-attendance also to the University’s Student Advice. The student advisors will verify the duration of your statutory non-attendance and record the information to the student information system. By submitting the documentation, you ensure that your non-attendance will not be counted into the maximum duration of your degree. If the statutory reason for your non-attendance is illness or disability, you do not need to submit the documentation to the Student Advice later when starting your studies as, unlike other statutory reasons, non-attendance due to illness or disability is always counted into the maximum duration of the degree.
If you wish to register as an attending student only for the 2024 autumn term or the 2025 spring term and to register as a non-attending student for the other term, please do as follows:
Important: If you do not provide the requested documentation on the statutory grounds for non-attendance, you are considered to have neglected your annual registration. Learn more about the consequences of failing to register for the academic year.
Later, when you’re starting your studies after the period of non-attendance, please submit the documentation on the statutory grounds for non-attendance also to the University’s Student Advice. The student advisors will verify the duration of your statutory non-attendance and record the information to the student information system. By submitting the documentation, you ensure that your non-attendance will not be counted into the maximum duration of your degree. If the statutory reason for your non-attendance is illness or disability, you do not need to submit the documentation to the Student Advice later when starting your studies as, unlike other statutory reasons, non-attendance due to illness or disability is always counted into the maximum duration of the degree.
Recipient: University of Helsinki Student Union
Account number, when paying through a Finnish bank:
Account number when paying through an international bank:
Compulsory Student Union membership fee:
In addition to the membership fee, you can pay optional fees:
When paying, use the reference number 28 04990.
If you pay the optional student association (student nation) membership fee, indicate in the message field to which student nation you are making the payment.
The University of Helsinki Student Union protects your interests in the academic and wider communities, supports the activities of various organisations, arranges events, and offers discounts and services. Read more about student benefits and discounts on the Student Union website.
You will be able to start using your student benefits once your study right comes into force on 1 August 2024.
You can read more about the student nations and development cooperation projects on the Student Union website.