After submitting your application

The information on this page explains what happens after you have submitted your application to an International Master's Programme at the University of Helsinki.
Checking of min­imum re­quire­ments

The Admission Services of the University of Helsinki checks that your application and the application attachments (supporting documents) meet the minimum requirements.

The minimum requirements are:

  • You have proved your language skills in time according to the requirements of the Master’s Programme.
  • You have uploaded the required educational documents in time and according to the given instructions.
  • The degree indicated as the grounds for application makes you eligible to apply to the Master’s Programme.
  • You have uploaded any possible additional documents required by the Master’s Programme.

Please note that all our emails regarding your application will be sent to the email address that you have given on the application form.

If needed, you can supplement your application with the required attachments until 23 Jan 2025 at 15:00 (UTC+2) by uploading them to the application form on Please note that this is the final deadline. Late attachments are not accepted. Read more about the required application attachments. 

Please note that application documents are not returned to the applicants.

Aca­demic eval­u­ation

If your application and the application enclosures meet the set minimum requirements, your application will proceed to academic evaluation.

In the academic evaluation, your application is reviewed according to the admission criteria of the Master’s Programme. You will find the admission criteria of the programme that you are applying to in the application portal. If e.g. an interview, a portfolio or a preliminary assignment is part of the evaluation process, it is noted separately in the admission criteria.

In the academic evaluation, the applications are ranked and only the best applicants are admitted.

If you have applied for a scholarship, your scholarship application will be evaluated separately.

Ad­mis­sion res­ults

You will be informed of the admission results personally by e-mail no later than 30 April 2025. The email is sent to the email address that you have given on the application form.

You can also find the information about the results by logging into your My Studyinfo –service.

If you are admitted to the University of Helsinki, you will receive instructions about further actions to take to start your studies.

If you have been conditionally admitted, you must submit as officially certified or verified documents those educational documents that you uploaded to the application form when applying. The deadline for submitting the verified or officially certified documents is 30 May 2025, 15:00 (UTC+3). Submitting officially certified documents if you have been conditionally admitted.

Sum­mary of dates and timelines
  • 16 Jan 2025, 15:00 UTC+2 - Application period ends.
  • 23 Jan 2025, 15:00 UTC+2 - Deadline for arrival of the required application enclosures. 
  • February - March 2025 - Admission Services evaluates the eligibility and authenticity of your educational certificates and language tests. If your application and enclosures meet the minimum requirements, they will be sent for academic evaluation.
  • 30 April 2025: Admissions results are published at the end of April at the latest.
  • 30 May 2025 at 15.00 (UTC +3): Deadline for conditionally admitted applicants to submit officially certified educational documents to the Admission Services.
  • 10 July 2025 at 15.00 (UTC +3): Deadline for accepting the admission offer (study place).
  • 5 August 2025 at 15.00 (UTC+3): Admission from the waiting list ends for those programmes that use a waiting list. 
  • 1 September 2025 at 15.00 (UTC+3): Deadline for conditionally admitted applicants with an incomplete degree to graduate and submit official proof of the awarded degree to the Admission Services. Deadline for paying the tuition fee for those students who are required to pay tuition fees. Deadline for registering for the academic year.
  • August–September 2025: Studies begin and orientation week.