University of Helsinki invoicing details

The University of Helsinki requests that invoices be sent in electronic form.
Elec­tronic in­voicing

EDI code: 003703134717 (unchanged)

Electronic invoicing service provider: Telia Finland Oyj

Intermediator code (provider code): 003703575029

Business ID: 0313471-7

VAT Number: FI03134717

Infor­mation re­quired for in­voices

To ensure the smooth processing of invoices, they must state as reference

  • Profit centre and WBS code; and
  • Name of the person placing the order

The supplier is requested to acquire this information from the person who ordered the goods or services.

Further information on invoicing can be obtained by writing to

Sub­mis­sion of in­voices by email

International or small suppliers can also submit invoices by email to Invoices can be submitted in PDF.

One email may contain more than one PDF file (however, no more than 10 in all), but one PDF file can only contain one invoice and any related enclosures. The PDF files must have the same address information as the related paper invoice:

University of Helsinki

PO Box 744

00074 CGI

Pa­per in­voices

If the supplier is unable to submit an invoice electronically or as an email attachment, a printed invoice can be posted to: University of Helsinki, PO Box 744, 00074 CGI