University of Helsinki Research Found­a­tion

The University of Helsinki Research Foundation promotes and supports the research work of the University’s young scholars by funding their employment in designated doctoral student positions.

The Research Foundation was established in 1990 on the occasion of the University of Helsinki’s 350th anniversary, and its assets are largely based on donations from more than 200 companies and public sector organisations.

The rules of the Foundation (in Finnish) can be found here.

As of 2014, the University of Helsinki Research Foundation has supported junior scholars by granting funding for one to four years for the employment of doctoral researchers. The Foundation’s designated doctoral researcher positions are intended for junior scholars at the early stage of their doctoral studies. The funding process is coordinated with the University of Helsinki Doctoral School and programmes.

The Foundation makes funding decisions biennially, around 10 positions are funded each round. Thus far the Foundation has funded 13 designated positions on March 2014, further 10 positions on December 2015, 2017, 2019, 2021 and 2023.

University of Helsinki Research Foundation funding 2023

At its meeting on 29 November 2023, the Board of the University of Helsinki Research Foundation granted funding for the employment of ten doctoral researchers in designated doctoral programme positions.

The total amount of funding granted is €1,720,000 (480 FTE months).


Doctoral Programmes in Humanities and Social Sciences

Heikkonen, Sofia, Doctoral Programme in Law, 48 months

Kuitunen, Satu, Doctoral Programme in Economics, 48 months

Pekonen, Pihla, Doctoral Programme in History and Cultural Heritage, 48 months

Doctoral Programmes in Natural Sciences

Bakhia, Alexander, Doctoral Programme in Geosciences, 48 months

Brokemper, Jan, Doctoral Programme in Chemistry and Molecular Sciences, 48 months

Doctoral Programmes in Health Sciences

Dreilinger, Olivia, Doctoral Programme in Integrative Life Sciences, 48 months

Forstén, Sofia, Doctoral Programme in Clinical Research, 48 months

Malinen, Satu, Doctoral Programme in Brain & Mind, 48 months

Doctoral Programmes in Environmental, Food and Biological Sciences

Olkkonen, Emmi, Doctoral Programme in Wildlife Biology, 48 months

Poovaragavalu, Adhiguru, Doctoral Programme in Food Chain and Health, 48 months


University of Helsinki Research Foundation funding 2021

At its meeting on 9 December 2021, the Board of the University of Helsinki Research Foundation granted funding for the employment of ten doctoral students in designated doctoral programme positions.

The total amount of funding granted is €1,520,000 (456 FTE months).


Doctoral School in Humanities and Social Sciences

Lehikoinen, Mikko, Doctoral Programme for Language Studies, 48 months

Lönnblad, Riikka, Doctoral Programme in Law, 48 months

Wahlsten, Johan, Doctoral Programme in Political, Societal and Regional Changes, 48 months

Doctoral School in Natural Sciences

Harviainen, Juha, Doctoral Programme in Computer Science, 48 months

Neimane, Santa, Doctoral Programme in Atmospheric Sciences, 36 months

Rawlings, Alexander, Doctoral Programme in Particle Physics and Universe Sciences, 48 months

Doctoral School in Health Sciences

Eick, Lisa, Doctoral Programme in Population Health, 48 months

Malmberg, Anni, Doctoral Programme in Population Health, 48 months

Zheng, Shuyu, Doctoral Programme in Biomedicine, 36 months

Doctoral School in Environmental, Food and Biological Sciences

Thiruvaiyaru, Aditya, Doctoral Programme in Microbiology and Biotechnology, 48 months


University of Helsinki Research Foundation funding 2019

At its meeting on 3 December 2019, the Board of the University of Helsinki Research Foundation granted funding for the employment of ten doctoral students in designated doctoral programme positions.

The total amount of funding granted is €1,320,000 (396 FTE months).


Doc­toral school in Hu­man­it­ies and So­cial Sci­ences

Biri, Ylva, Doctoral programme in Language Studies, 36 months

Moine, Aleksi, Doctoral programme in History and Cultural Heritage, 48 months

Doctoral school in Natural Sciences

Ghizoni dos Santos, Erone, Doctoral programme in Geosciences, 48 months

Zosa, Elaine, Doctoral programme in Computer Science, 36 months

Doctoral school in Health Sciences

Hamdan, Firas, Doctoral programme in Drug Research, 36 months

Landoni, Juan, Doctoral programme in Integrative Life Science, 48 months

Partanen, Jenni, Doctoral programme in Population Health, 36 months

Sultan, Ibrahim, Doctoral programme in Biomedicine, 36 months

Valo, Erkka Doctoral programme in Clinical Research, 24 months

Doctoral school in Environmental, Food and Biological Sciences

Saine, Sonja, Doctoral programme in Wildlife Biology, 48 months


University of Helsinki Research Foundation funding 2017

At its meeting on 5 December 2017, the Board of the University of Helsinki Research Foundation granted funding for the employment of ten doctoral students in designated doctoral programme positions.

The total amount of funding granted is €1,413,332 (424 FTE months).


Doc­toral school in Hu­man­it­ies and So­cial Sci­ences

Kekkonen, Arto, Doctoral programme in Social Sciences, 48 months 

Thiede, Anja, Doctoral programme in Psychology, Learning and Communication, 16 months

Wrigley, John, Doctoral programme in Law, 48 months

Doctoral school in Natural Sciences

Chrbolková, Katerina, Doctoral programme in Geosciences, 48 months

Säppi, Matias, Doctoral programme in Particle Physics and Universe Sciences, 36 months

Doctoral school of Health

Didio, Giuliano, Doctoral programme in Brain & Mind and Doctoral programme in Integrative Life Science, 36 months

Hee, Lee Moon, Doctoral programme in Clinical Research, 48 months

Kaarela, Tiina, Doctoral programme in Clinical Veterinary Medicine, 48 months

Moreno, Eva Domeneć, Doctoral programme in Integrative Life Science, 48 months

Doc­toral school in En­vir­on­mental, Food and Bio­lo­gical Sci­ences

Pulkkinen, Lauri, Doctoral programme in Microbiology and Biotechnology, 48 months


University of Helsinki Research Foundation funding 2015

At its meeting on 8 December 2015, the Board of the University of Helsinki Research Foundation granted funding for the employment of ten doctoral students in designated doctoral programme positions.

The total amount of funding granted is €1,520,000 (456 FTE months).


Doctoral school in the Humanities and Social Sciences

Hedlund, Laura, Doctoral programme in Psychology, Learning and Communication PsyCo, 48 months

Kormacheva, Daria, Doctoral programme in Language Studies, 24 months

Roikonen, Petri, Doctoral programme in Political, Societal and Regional Changes, 48 months

Doctoral School of Health

Norppa, Antto, Doctoral programme in Integrative Life Science, 48 months

Pradhan, Barun, Doctoral programme in Biomedicine, 48 months

Smeds, Lina, Doctoral programme in Brain & Mind, 48 months

Doctoral school in Environmental, Food and Biological Sciences

Groundstroem, Fanny, Doctoral programme in Interdisciplinary Environmental Sciences, 48 months

Rissanen, Kaisa, Doctoral programme in Sustainable Use of Renewable Natural Resources, 48 months

Doctoral school in Natural Sciences

Sathyanarayanan, Gowtham, Doctoral programme in Materials Research and Nanoscience, 48 months

Talvitie, Topi, Doctoral programme in Computer Science, 48 months


University of Helsinki Research Foundation funding 2014

At its meeting on 18 March 2014, the Board of the University of Helsinki Research Foundation granted funding for the employment of 13 doctoral students in designated doctoral programme positions.

The total amount of funding granted is €2,026,700 (608 FTE months).


Doctoral school in the Humanities and Social Sciences

Hakoköngäs, Eemeli, Doctoral programme in Social Sciences, 48 months

Kortekallio, Kaisa J., Doctoral programme in Philosophy, Arts and Society, 48 months

Kumpulainen, Satu, Doctoral programme in Psychology, Learning and Communication, 48 months

Kutkina, Anna, Doctoral programme in Political, Societal and Regional changes, 32 months

Lehtonen, Lasse, Doctoral programme in Philosophy, Arts and Society, 48 months

Doctoral school of Health

Hirvonen, Jonni, Doctoral programme Brain & Mind, 48 months

Kolsi, Laura, Doctoral programme in Drug Research, 48 months

Sammallahti, Sara, Doctoral programme in Clinical Research, 48 months

Wang, Zhijia, Doctoral programme in Biomedicine, 48 months

Doctoral school in Environmental, Food and Biological Sciences

Norberg, Anna, Doctoral programme in Wildlife Biology, 48 months

Parviainen, Tuure, Doctoral programme in Sustainable Use of Renewable Natural Resources, 48 months

Doctoral school in Natural Sciences

Soikkeli,Maiju-Lotta, Doctoral programme in Chemistry and Molecular Sciences, 48 months

Tenkanen, Tommi, Doctoral programme in Particle Physics and Universe Sciences, 48 months

Postal address

University of Helsinki Research Foundation
PO Box 53
00014 University of Helsinki


Contact details

Foundation representative
Minna Kontro
Tel. 02941 23979

Board secretary
Mikko Mäntyniemi
Tel. 02941 23802

Email: hy-tiedesaatio(at)



Rector Sari Lindblom (chair)
Professor Johanna Björkroth
Professor Mika Kivimäki
Chief Executive Officer Gunvor Kronman
Entrepreneur Tuuli Kousa
Professor Juhana Aunesluoma
Chief Executive Officer Ulla Tuomarla

Advisory Board (as of 1 May 2024)

CEO Alexander Bargum, chair of the Advisory Board

Director Antti Aarnio                                                       
Professor Maija Aksela
LL.D. Heidi Andersson
Secratary General Pekka Aula      
Director Riikka Heikinheimo
CEO Minna Helle
Professor Seppo Honkapohja
CEO Liisa Hurme
DVM Jaana Husu-Kallio, vice-chair of the Advisory Board 
Chancellor Kaarle Hämeri                                                                
Deputy Mayor Johanna Laisaari
Professor emerita Anna Mauranen 
Chair of the Board Jorma Ollila
CEO Susanna Pettersson                                                   
Director of Development Juho Rantala
Director General Leif Schulman 
Chair of the Board Tiina Tallberg
Professor Hannu Vartiainen
Director Mari Walls