
According to the Universities Act, the Chancellor is in charge of promoting science and scholarship and the university’s community relations, as well as overseeing the university’s interests and activities. The Chancellor has the right to be present and speak whenever the Government considers matters that have a bearing on the University of the Helsinki.

According to the University Regulations, the Chancellor grants the honorary title of professor and the title of docent. The Chancellor is also in charge of inquiries concerning alleged violations of the responsible conduct of research. The university leadership has agreed to assign the coordination of the university’s fundraising to the Chancellor.

Chan­cel­lor Kaar­le Hä­me­ri

Kaarle Hämeri began his first term of five years on 1 October 2017 and will begin his second term on 1 October 2022.

 “I want to make the University an even stronger and more united institute of scholarship,” says Hämeri of his work as Chancellor.

Year of birth:  1964


1991 M. Sc.
1995 Ph. D.
1999 Doc. 

Previous professional appointments:

Vice head, Department of Physics, 2010– 
Professor, University of Helsinki, 2002–
Senior Fellow, Finnish Institute of Occupational Health, 2000–2002
Coordinator of Environmental Research, University of Helsinki, 1998–2000 
Junior Fellow, The Academy of Finland, 1996–1998.

Chair of the Union of University Professors (Professoriliitto) 2015–2017

Kaarle Hämeri CV (.pdf)

Publications, Projects, Activities

X: @KaarleHameri

Con­tact in­form­a­tion

Chancellor of the University of Helsinki
Kaarle Hämeri
Tel: +358 2941 22206
Fax: +358 2941 22960
P.O. Box 3 
FI-00014 University of Helsinki

PA to the Chan­cel­lor

Mari Lehtonen
Tel: +358 2941 22396

Legal Sec­ret­ary to the Chan­cel­lor

Sakari Melander 
Tel: +358 2941 21781


Inauguration of new professors

Chan­cel­lor's travel grant

Applications at intranet Flamma