Being a responsible employer

The University of Helsinki is committed to acting responsibly towards all staff. For our staff we wish to be the best possible employer and workplace.

Our values – Bildung, truth, freedom and inclusivity – guide our activities in the recruitment and leadership of staff.
The University of Helsinki is a large and diverse employer

We are creating an increasingly socially sustainable everyday life at the University by systematically taking action to promote equality and diversity as well as inclusion and accessibility.

We welcome everyone, just as they are

We are committed to a working culture supporting diversity and inclusivity. Together, we can transform our University into a safer space.

We have outlined and follow our shared principles whenever we meet and interact with one another.

Be sensitive

The University community consists of diverse individuals. Respect everyone’s right to self-determination and non-determination, i.e., the right to decide and tell others how they identify and experience themselves.

Respect others and be kind

Respect other community members and their experiences. Respect other people’s boundaries. Don’t make offensive remarks or touch other people without their permission.

Be courageous, and give and receive feedback

Together we can build trust and a culture of open, courageous discussion, in which we can address issues and learn about sensitivity together.

We don’t accept harassment, racism, ableism or discrimination

We don’t accept discrimination based on personal characteristics or background, such as gender, physical features, age, origin, nationality, language, religion or lack thereof, belief, opinions, political activity, trade union activity, family relations, health, disability or sexual orientation.

Call it out

If you observe harassment or other inappropriate behaviour, don’t be a bystander. Defend the person being harassed and tell the perpetrator that what’s happening is not okay.

If you experience or observe harassment, discrimination or inappropriate behaviour, contact a supervisor, teacher, event organiser, head of human resources, occupational safety delegate, shop steward or harassment contact person.


Read more: University of Helsinki guidelines for responsible interaction

For our human resources policy, we have developed principles of responsibility that guide all our activities as an employer.

As an employer, we act as follows:

1. The work performed at the University is meaningful, and staff can develop professionally

The content and meaningfulness of work as well as the use of professional skills and creativity are important facets of all work performed at the University. We encourage everyone to develop their skills with a view to future needs and to apply their skills in diverse ways. For us it is important that everyone can continuously learn on the job.

2. We invest in occupational wellbeing, flexibility and a work–life balance

The wellbeing of each staff member is vital to us. We offer support for maintaining occupational wellbeing and encourage all supervisors to ensure occupational wellbeing. It is important to us that each employee has a clear role and clear expectations and that personal work-related objectives are linked to shared objectives.  

Life can take unexpected turns that affect occupational wellbeing. We wish to be a family-friendly employer that offers flexible solutions to suit individual circumstances.

3. Our recruitment process is clear and our orientation systematic

We value all of our applicants, and it is important to us that the recruitment process is a good experience. Each new recruitment is carefully considered, i.e., based on careful human resources planning. We invest in thorough orientation and the incorporation of everyone into our community.

4. Supervisors and leaders offer support to ensure the success of each employee

Our supervisors encourage staff to perform to the best of their ability, and we follow the principles of participatory leadership. We support leaders and supervisors in their work and help them develop in their role.

We value interaction, collegiality and target-oriented activities. For us it is important that everyone cooperates and participates in the preparation of University-level decisions.

The staff participates in the management and planning of the University's operations in many ways, from the university collegium and board to the planning of the everyday life of their own work community. The union representatives representing the personnel and personnel organisations participate in the preparation of decisions concerning the university and its personnel in co-operation meetings.

5. We act in an open, equal and respectful manner

The equal and fair treatment of people is important to us: we value the diversity of our community and respect one another. A culture of openness ensures that staff can influence shared decisions. 

We do not accept discrimination in any form and have a zero tolerance approach to inappropriate behaviour and harassment. As an employer, we have established clear, easy-to-use approaches to dealing with challenging situations.

The Equality and Diversity Committee promotes the diversity of the university community, taking into account people's differences and inclusion.

6. We have adopted transparent principles of employment

In our employment relationships, we comply with the general collective agreement of universities and the jointly agreed salary levels and pay principles in it. Our salary system is transparent. Staff salaries are based on a requirement level defined for each position as well as a salary component based on personal performance.

We promote gender pay equality: we prevent unjustified pay differences through an annual pay survey. 

We support our staff with high-quality services and HR processes.

Here at the University of Helsinki, our internationals play a crucial role in enhancing our academic excellence and contributing to the Finnish society's growth and global competitiveness. Today, the University of Helsinki has over 1700 employees with another nationality than Finnish. By attracting international researchers and other professionals from around the world to our University community, we benefit from diverse perspectives, fostering innovation and strengthening research across various fields. 


Internationals as members of the University community 

We consider it important that the international members in our university community not only take equally part in the activities, functions and decision making at the University, but that their voice is heard. To ensure this we have e.g. a thematic group for the international staff matters in the University’s Equality and Diversity Committee. 


Aiming for further internationalization – A model for international recruitment 

The University has developed a model to improve the process of international recruitment, and the services related to it. The model is also there to make the university into a better workplace for the internationals, so it is not only limited to the recruitment phase. The model for international recruitment was developed in the KAVOT-project during 2023-2024, with the support of the Helsinki Uusimaa Regional Council.  

You can read more about the model from this guide. The model is there for everyone to use, and it´s materials can be edited to function in other organizations and regions of Finland. The guide to the model is written from two viewpoints, that of organizational leadership and that of the recruiting supervisor. 

More equal working life
Non-military service at the University

Each year, several people complete their non-military service in various units of the University of Helsinki.

If you are interested in doing so, you can find information on any service positions offered by the University on the website of the Non-military Service Centre:

Alternatively, you can contact our units directly:

Read more and apply for a job